Take A Walk
on the

To Register Now,
fill out the Registration Form below
by using the following information:
Class size is limited, so be sure to sign up for the weeks/days/times you want as soon as you can.
Choose a day and a class time for the week(s) that best fit your summer vacation schedule and your child's interest.
The class schedule is the same on Tuesday and Wednesday with only evenings on Thursday, and the focus and lessons change each week.
Choose as many classes as you'd like: 1, 2, even 7 or more if you would enjoy 2 classes a week.
Week 5: Tuesday, July 30,
Wednesday, July 31,
or Thursday, August 1
Week 6: Full
Classes are full!
No spaces available
Week 7: Tuesday, August 13,
Wednesday, August 14,
or Thursday, August 15
We are adding
Week 8 and Week 9
by popular request!
Week 8: Tuesday, August 20,
Wednesday, August 21,
or Thursday, August 22
Week 9: Tuesday, August 27,
Wednesday, August 28,
or Thursday, August 29
plus a SAFARI SHINDIG date and time to be announced!
Class tuition:
Tuition is due prior to your first class.
Only once tuition is processed will placement in a class be reserved, so the sooner tuition payment is received, the better to have your preferred classes.
There is no refund, prorated tuition, or make-up session for student absences.
Ages 3-5 with an accompanying adult $45 10:45 am - 12 pm 75-min. Adventure
$45 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm 75-min. Adventure
Ages 6 - 10 and 11 and up $80 9 am - 5 pm 8-hour Adventure
$55 9 am - 11 am 2-hour Adventure
$65 9 am - 12 pm 3-hour Adventure
$65 5:30 - 8:30 pm 3-hour Adventure
$55 6:30 - 8:30 pm 2-hour Adventure
High School Youth and Adults $45 check for availability 30-min. Private Lesson
Please use this format - Week #/Day/Age/Time/Tuition - on the Registration Form below to indicate which class(es) will be attended.
For example: Week #3/Wednesday/age 7/9 am - 5 pm/$80
Week #7/Tuesday/age 7/5:30-8:30 pm/$65
Note: In the event of insufficient enrollment, a class may be canceled and
your tuition will be returned to you.

Look for the email packet your Safari Guide will send with:
(If you do not see one in 24 hours, check your spam folder or re-send)
​Music Studio phone and contact information
Summer Piano Safari location
a calendar listing reserved class times
tuition total and payment instructions
everything else you need to know to make this adventure a success
Here's to an amazing Summer Piano Safari!
Thanks for supporting the music arts and
The Lark's Nest Music Studio,
P.S. Special thanks for the visuals from the 2017 Safari-mobile Music Camp!